Well after the passing of my momma...I really hadn't had much time to myself, Mauricio was around and the kids would be around...so no alone time to just think and take it all in.
I was heading to Orlando, FL for one of the company's many conferences...I stayed at The Peabody Hotel, which is 15 mins from Disney!! I left Wednesday (3/18/09) morning and returned on Sunday (3/22/09) morning. It was great weather.. everything was all within walking distance...and there was also a trolley that would take us to the 'shopping' areas... I was on the 19th floor and from my window view, in a distance I could see Epcot Center.. dangggg that's a big ball... it looked like a golf ball from a distance. When leaving, which I had to be at the airport by 5am... which was a good thing, because it was the end of SPRING BREAK and all the families with their kids were flooding the airports....wheww!
Nothing really has happened in MARCH....I got recommended to be a Registration Coordinator for next year's Career Conference...whoo hoo!!
other than that.. same ole same ole....